
Our Services

Lakshya Neuro Rehab is unique combination of Advanced Treatment technology and Quality services for healthy and functional life.

Neuro physiotherapy is specialized physiotherapy treatment for people with neurological diseases resulting from damage to their brain, spinal cord or neurons.

Conditions we can help, Stroke (paralysis due to,brain attack)/ hemiplegia, Head Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Parkinson’s Disease and neuro degenerative diseases, Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases, GBS, Neuropathy and Nerve Injuries, Cerebellar Disorders and Ataxia, Myopathies Foot Drop and walking problems, Shoulder – Hand Syndrome/ RSD/ CRPS, Neuropathic and spinal Pain, Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Vestibular Hypofunction, Pediatric conditions,Cerebral Palsy and other developmental disorders, ADHD (Hyperactivity Disorder) Autism and other PDD, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) / Sensory Integration problem.

What does Exercises plan include :

Neuro Developmental Therapy (NDT) ,Motor relearning program, Myofacial release ,Sensory Integration treatment (SI) Tone/ spasticity reduction treatment, Stretching ,Strengthening ,Balance training ,Co-ordination exercises ,Pre gait training ,Gait training ,Cycling ,Treadmill ,FES training ,BWSTT ,DHS

Physiotherapist at LAKSHYA Neuro Rehab are specially trained and highly skilled to assess and treat various neurological patients to achieve faster and maximum functional recovery for each patients.

At LAKSHYA we maximize your recovery potential and quality of life.

We use various advanced treatment methods like NDT, MRP, Functional Training along with latest technology. We update ourselves to current research and latest technology in neurological rehabilitation and hence at Hope we provide most advanced neuro physiotherapy treatment like Functional Electrical Stimulation device for walking, DHS for treatment of paralytic hand, BWSTT to achieve walking, virtual reality based neuro rehab in neurological, paralysis patients. With combination of advanced treatment methods (NDT, MRP, Functional Training etc) and latest technology we have succeeded in reaching highest level of recovery in most neurological patients.

Why neuro physiotherapist :

Neuro physiotherapists are specially trained to assess and treat patients with various neurological diseases. They keep themselves updated with latest treatment and techniques to be used with patients.

If you are neurological patient, your treatment should be provided by specialized neuro physiotherapist to get maximum recovery with his specialized skills and techniques.

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